Understanding Non Verbal Communication Cues

There is so much that a person can communicate without the need to utter a word. Non-verbal communication is a method by which we express ourselves without talking. We can do this through facial expressions, hand gestures, posture, body language, and through our eyes. These movements can let other people know how you feel, and you can train yourself to become better at communicating your thoughts through non-verbal means. You can also train yourself from hiding these feelings. However, there are some aspects of the body that you cannot control, like pupil dilation.

Communicating this way is important. It is healthy in a relationship and the more you get to know a person, the better you will be at assessing how they feel by looking at how they sit or stand. With gestures, you will know how your partner feels, even if what the other person is showing quite the opposite of how she is feeling.

It can also help you in your profession, especially if you are doing police work. You would know if someone is lying. If you are interrogating a suspect, you can immediately assess if the person has something to hide or if he is telling the truth. Body language cannot be used in court, but it gives you the advantage to take your gut feeling and investigate further.

Potential employers can also use body language to assess applicants. A person in the Human Resources Department can easily make presumptions if an applicant is telling the truth or not. A person who constantly shifts his gaze may either be lying or not comfortable about what he is talking about.

People in the counselling industry also assess patients through gestures. Poker players also benefit a lot from this. This is why they are so good at reading their opponents. From this assessment, they can decide how they want to proceed with the game.

There are many specialized fields that cannot do without non-verbal communication. In fact, a separate area of specialization is dedicated to this. It is called kinetics. It is the study of body language and facial expressions. Touching one another is called haptics. There are also studies dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of a human's tone of voice. This is called paralanguage.

Most people who study this are in the field of human behavior. It is an interesting area because there is still so much we do not know about it. Many psychiatrists have devoted their careers in this. And to further understand their findings, check out the resources below.


Body language is an important aspect of how we communicate. While it constantly evolves with us, it is not that difficult to decode it. Understanding it can help you become better at assessing people and make rational decisions concerning your relationships with people.